Auction Catalog

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Displaying all 10 items

Offline Donation


Offline Donation 

Offline Donation 

Offline Donation 

4 Corners - Arts


4 Corners - Athletics


Supporting the Athletics Programs of Christian Fellowship School

Supporting the Athletics Programs of Christian Fellowship School

Supporting the Athletics Programs of Christian Fellowship School

4 Corners - STEM


Supporting the STEM Programs of Christian Fellowship School

Supporting the STEM Programs of Christian Fellowship School

Supporting the STEM Programs of Christian Fellowship School

Birds of a Feather

Westlake's and Thrivent Financial

Gift Card - $25 La Terraza Mexic...


Gift Card - $5 McDonalds


Gift Card - $8 ChickFilA Chicken...


Gift Card - ChickFilA Chicken Sandwich Meal OR Chick-fil-A 8 ct Nuggets Meal. $8 each

Gift Card - ChickFilA Chicken Sandwich Meal OR Chick-fil-A 8 ct Nuggets Meal. $8 each

Gift Card - ChickFilA Chicken Sandwich Meal OR Chick-fil-A 8 ct Nuggets Meal. $8 each

Quiet Time

Whitney Gaines and Mike Lentz

Team Triumph Swim Team

Team Triumph